Fairburn United Methodist Church serves the community of Fairburn, Georgia and beyond by contributing to the Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. We welcome all to join us in worship and fellowship as we seek to grow in faith and serve God.

Welcome to Fairburn United Methodist Church
We desire to bring glory to our Heavenly Father in Christ-centered worship, fellowship and ministry. We invite you to worship with us!
We are..
A Spirit filled and led ministry focused on the spiritual growth of our members
Our focus at Fairburn United Methodist Church is to have a strong presence in the community, a vibrant worship, and to embrace diversity.
At Fairburn United Methodist Church, we are committed to living out the mission and vision of the United Methodist Church. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our vision is to be a community of faith that welcomes all, grows in Christ, and serves in love. We invite you to join us on this journey of faith.

Worship Services
Join us for worship services!
Sunday morning at 11:00.
Sunday School at 9:45
Our services are live streamed.
Follow Fairburn UMC on Facebook.
Everyone is welcome at Fairburn UMC!
News: Prayer Garden Rennovation!
Weekly Events:
Knit Wits - Mondays 10:00
Al-Anon - Monday and Thursday 7:00
AA - Monday and Thursday 8:00

Create an account for secure donations to Fairburn UMC.
Other Ministries
We support the following local ministries and community activities:
AA meetings - Fellowship Hall
Fairburn Food Bank
Fairburn Community Youth Basketball